Product creation using Weight Based Pricing
Here, we have created a sample for Weight Based Pricing for WooCommerce.
We have taken apple as a sample product for Weight Based Pricing plugin.
Set the values in the required positions based on the product need.
Weight unit have specified as kilogram.
Minimum Weight is 1kg below that limit. Customers can not place orders.
Maximum Weight is 100kg, you can set based on the stock availability.
1kg weight interval, product range varies at 1kgs upto 50kg.
wastage percentage is specified as 0% from the customer ordered weight.
In the price range, we have set two ranges for a single product.
Range( 5 - 100 kg) - sale price will be 4 & regular price will be 5 per kilogram.
Here, we have used Add to Cart button as Go To Product Page.
Shows availability of stock in Green text Mark.
Actual weight specifies the weight of product after reducing the wastage.
Price displays the rate of the product you have selected.
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