Product Customization
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Select All Products to modify or add Weight Based Pricing in your already existing product.
Select Add New to create a product with Weight Based Pricing in WooCommerce.
In Edit Product page. In Product Data -> General. You will see the Weight Based Pricing plugin options below the Tax class.
Weight Based Pricing - click to enable weight based pricing in this product
Weight Unit - select the weight unit for your product from the drop-down list (kilogram, gram, pound, ounce).
Maximum Weight - specifies the maximum weight limit for the product.
Minimum Weight - specifies the minimum weight limit for the product.
Weight Intervals - specifies the increment or decrement weight values of the product.
Wastage Percentage - specifies the wastage unit of the product in percent.
FROM/TO RANGE - enables you to set weight range for the product.
REGULAR PRICE - provides the actual price of the product.
SALE PRICE - provides the sales price of the product(i.e., current selling price of the product).
Add Pricing Rule - click this icon to Add Pricing rules for the products.
NOTE : Using FROM /TO RANGE you can set multiple ranges for a single product with different pricing rates.
Last updated